Imnaha AL Zelda 5*M

Imnaha AL Zelda 5*M at the 2023 Union County Fair

  • Birth Date: 5/04/2021
  • ADGA Registration #N2173350
  • G6S Status: Normal non-carrier by parentage
  • Alpha S1 Status: Unknown; her sire Alaric is A/A by testing, as was her maternal grandsire +*B Grande Ronde FT Top Gear
  • DHIR: 1-08 271 2196 4.9%F 109 3.7%P 81; last test day 6.6 lb. milk at 6.5% fat and 4.3% protein.
  • SIRE: *B Wingwood Farm TBL Alaric (+B pending)
    • PGS: *B Wingwood Farm CM Toblerone LA 5-04 90/VEE
    • PGD: GCH Wingwood Farm Flyin Annika 4*M LA 5-04 92/EEEE ELITE
  • DAM: Imnaha TG Brigid O’Grady 4*M
  • DHIR: 1-01 305 1880 98 72
    • 341 2090 108 81
    • MGS: +*B Grande Ronde FT Top Gear
    • MGD: SG Imnaha AM Bailey’s Irish Cream 3*M LA 2-02 83/AVVV

  • Awards:
  • 2023 International Nubian Breeders Association Merit Production Awards
    • Bronze Certificate Award for 81 lb. protein in a 305-day lactation
    • Top Milk, Butterfat, and Protein by Age for producing 2196 lb. milk, 109 lb. butterfat, and 81 lb. protein in a 305-day lactation

Shows: 2023 Union County Fair, La Grande, OR, 2 x 4th-place 2-year-old milking does.

  • Offspring:
  • Imnaha TAC Jack Sparrow (wether)
  • Imnaha TAC Wanda
  • Imnaha TAC Yolanda


Zelda is one of those does who just gets down to business and does her job–milking, having kids, you name it, all while having a lovely personality, udder, and never being sick. She reminds me of her granddam Bailey, who was one of my <3 goats, only she’s better. Zelda was dried early, due to a sale that sadly fell through at the last minute. She is bred back to Tacitus for a February kidding.