Imnaha AL Tinkerbelle

Imnaha AL Tinkerbelle at 2 years

  • Birth date: 3/19/2021
  • ADGA Registration #N2164976
  • G6S Status: Normal by parentage
  • Alpha S1 Casein: Unknown; sire Alaric tested A/A; maternal grandsire Amador tested A/B
  • DHIR:
  • 1-10 26 0 0 0 0 dried off due to mastitis
  • 2-11 155 788 35 25 (in progress)

    • SIRE: *B Wingwood Farm TBL Alaric (+B pending)
    • PGS: *B Wingwood Farm CM Toblerone LA: 5-04 90/VEE
    • PGD: GCH Wingwood Farm Flyin Annika 4*M LA 5-04 92/EEEE [ELITE]
      • DHIR: TBA
  • DAM: Imnaha AM Dark Crystal 3*M
    • DHIR: 2-00 289 1870 4.5% 84 3.3% 62
      • 3-00 305 2630 4.4% 117 3.5% 92
      • LIFETIME: 594 4,500 4.5% 201 3.4% 154
    • MGS: +*B Wingwood Farm Lovin Amador LA: 3-05 90/VEE
    • MGD: SG Imnaha King’s Silver Belle 2*M LA: 2-05 87/VEE+
      • DHIR:
      • 0-11 305 3000 114 100
      • 1-10 304 3600 135 123
      • 2-10 274 2750 112 90 (produced on 1/2 an udder!)
      • LIFETIME 579 9,350 361 313

  • Offspring
  • Daughter: Imnaha TAC Titania


Tinkerbelle is a large doe, standing 33-inches at the shoulder as a 2-year-old first freshener, and is one of our prettiest does and a big improvement over her dam in most respects. She kidded as a first freshener with quadruplets and nearly died after having a retained placenta and then getting mastitis on top of that. Fortunately, we were able to save her, but she was dried off to not put any additional strain on her system while she was so sick. Fortunately, she recovered completely from the mastitis, though she did lose partial productivity in the affected side of her udder. Even so, she had a successful pregnancy and is now milking 6-7 lb. of milk a day at 4.8% butterfat and 3.0% protein. The jury is out as to breeding her again this fall.