Dry Yearlings

Imnaha TAC Arielle

Imnaha TAC Arielle
  • ADGA #N2328812
  • BIRTH DATE: 2/05/2023
  • G6S Status: Normal by parentage
  • Alpha S1 Casein: Unknown
  • Pedigree
    • Sire: *B Wingwood Farm Dill Tacitus
    • Dam: Imnaha AL Andromeda 13*M
      • DHIR: 1-09 267 2071 5.3%F 107 3.6%P 74
      • Last test day 6.0# 7.4%F 4.4%P
  • Shows: 2023 Union County Fair, La Grande, OR
  • Sr. Kid: 1 x 1st place
    • 1 x 2nd place


Imnaha TAC Amalthea

Imnaha TAC Amalthea (on left) Imnaha AL Espresso (sold) on right

  • ADGA #N2328813
  • BIRTH DATE: 2/05/2023
  • G6S Status: Normal by parentage
  • Alpha S1 Casein: Unknown

  • Pedigree
    • Sire: *B Wingwood Farm Dill Tacitus
    • Dam: Imnaha AL Andromeda 13*MDHIR:
      • DHIR: 1-09 267 2071 5.3%F 107 3.6%P 74
      • Last test day 6.0# 7.4%F 4.4%P

  • Shows: Amalthea has not been shown
  • Amalthea was the only 2023 doe we bred last year. She kidded without difficulty with twins (1 buck/1 doe) sired by our junior sire, *B Imnaha al Bell’uomo. Amalthea has a lovely, well-attached udder, and as of the August 2024 Production Evaluations, is rated at the 89th percentile with a Milk PTA of 122. Her daughter Amaryllis is a pretty, long-bodied doe with nice breed type.


Imnaha TAC Alta

Imnaha AL Alta
  • ADGA #N2328814
  • Birth Date: 2/07/2023
  • G6S Status: Normal by parentage
  • Alpha S1 Casein: Unknown
  • Pedigree:
    • Sire: *B Wingwood Farm Dill Tacitus
    • Dam: Imnaha AL Altaira 13*M
      • DHIR: 1-09 287 1622 98 67 (in progress)
      • Last test day 4.1# milk @ 7.8% fat and 5.1% protein
    • .
  • Shows: 2023 Union County Fair, La Grande, Or
    • Sr. Kid: 1 x 1st place
      • 1 x 2nd place.

Alta is retained in our breeding program and will be bred to *B Imnaha TBL Alaric this fall. We are very excited about her!


Imnaha TAC Lady Carlotta

Imnaha TAC Lady Carlotta (2nd from Left)

  • ADGA #N23288145
  • Birth Date: 5/08/2023
  • G6S Status: Normal by parentage
  • Alpha S1 Casein: Unknown
  • Pedigree:
    • Sire: *B Wingwood Farm Dill Tacitus
    • Dam: Imnaha AL Lady Corazon 1*M
      • DHIR: 1-03 197 1463 5.2%F 76 3.4%P 51 (in progress)
      • Last test day 6.6# milk @ 6.8% fat and 4.1% protein.
  • Shows: 2023 Union County Fair, La Grande, OR
  • Jr. Kid: 2 x 3rd. place


Imnaha TAC Capella

Imnaha AL Capella (center)

  • ADGA #N2328811
  • Birth Date: 2/05/2023
  • G6S Status: Normal by parentage
  • Alpha S1 Casein: Unknown
  • Pedigree:
    • Sire: *B Wingwood Farm Dill Tacitus
    • Dam: Imnaha TG Lady Cassiopeia 12*M
    • DHIR: 1-01 305 2062 4.7% 97 4.0% 83
      • 576 3437 163 140
      • 2-10 143 1470 66 53
      • LIFETIME: 719 4907 229 193
  • Shows: Capella has not been shown.