Imnaha AL Lady Corazon 12*M

Imnaha AL Lady Corazon at 1 year 4 months

  • ADGA #N2238868
  • BIRTHDATE: .2/08/2022
  • Littermates: *B Imnaha AL Kingfisher and *B Imnaha AL Ajax (wether)
  • G6S: Normal by parentage
  • Alpha S1 Casein: Untested. Her sire Alaric is an A/A, and her dam Charlotte was a B/N.

  • DHIR: 1-03 305 2144 5.5%F 118 3.6%P 78
    • 463 3324 178 124 (in progress)

  • Pedigree
  • SIRE: *B Wingwood Farm TBL Alaric
    • PGS: *B Wingwood Farm CM Toblerone 5-04 90/VEE (littermate Sweet Twix is ELITE)
    • PGD: GCH Wingwood Farm Flyin Annika 4*M ELITE LA:5-04 92/EEEE
      • DHIR: TBA
  • DAM: SG Imnaha King’s Lady Charlotte 11*M LA: 3-05 90/VEEE
    • DHIR:
    • 1-03 267 2240 4.3 97 3.6 78
    • 2-01 275 2700 4.9 131 3.7 101
    • 3-00 305 2610 4.6 121 3.6 95356 2060 4.8 136 3.7 106
    • 4-01 297 2595 4.7 122 3.4 89
    • 5-02 258 2747 4.8 131 3.4 93
    • LIFETIME: 1,453 13,136 4.7 617 3.6 467
    • MGS: SG Woest-Hoeve Kingfisher ELITE LA: 4-02 90/EVE
    • MGD: SG Bedouin Lady Victory 10*M LA: 2-07 85/VVV+
      • DHIR: TBA
  • Shows: 2023 Union County Fair, La Grande, OR
  • Yearlings in Milk: 2 x 2nd place
  • 2 x Best Udder
  • Offspring
    • Imnaha TAC Lady Carlotta (in herd)

Corazon’s yearling rear udder

Corazon is the last daughter out of our great doe SG Imnaha King’s Lady Charlotte 11*M and appears worthy to follow in her mother’s footsteps. Corazon is one of those does who maybe comes along once in your lifetime, she’s so perfect, it’s a joy to be around her, and you just have to pinch yourself when you look at her. She’s certainly living up to our expectations in the milk and udder departments, and her daughter, Lady Carlotta, seems to be every bit as special as her mom.

Corazon is milking through this year and will again be bred this fall to Tacitus.