2023 Union County Fair

Alta (3rd from Lt) standing for Jr CH, Ring One

In years past, we have rarely missed showing at the Union County Fair in La Grande, Oregon, after we got back into goats in 2015 after we retired. If you’ve never attended, it’s a great one-day two-ring show with fierce competition and lots of friendly faces, which is normally held outside on the grass. We can’t go to many shows nowadays because they are all so far away, plus we don’t have any relief at home. We did reasonably well, considering much of our competition was fresh from the National Show. Great fun for all!We didn’t have entries for all of the classes, but this is how we did:


Ring One

  • 3-year-old Milking Does
    • 2nd-place/2nd Udder: Imnaha TG Bella Donna 4*M
  • 2-yr-olds
    • 3rd-place: Imnaha AL Calypso 13*M
    • 4th-place: Imnaha AL Zelda 5*M
  • 1-yr-olds:
    • 2nd-place/Best Udder Imnaha AL Lady Corazon 12*M
    • 3rd-place/2nd. Udder: Imnaha AL Chloe 1*M
  • Senior Kids
    • 1st-place: Imnaha TAC Alta
    • 2nd-place: Imnaha TAC Arielle
  • Junior Kids
    • 3rd-place: Imnaha TAC Lady Carlotta

Ring Two

  • 3-yr-old Milking Does
    • 2nd-place/Best Udder: Imnaha TG Bella Donna 4*M
  • 2-yr-olds
    • 4th-place: Imnaha AL Calypso 13*M
    • 5th-place: Imnaha AL Zelda 5*M
  • 1-yr-olds
    • 2nd-place/Best Udder: Imnaha AL Lady Corazon 12*M
    • 3rd-place: Imnaha AL Chloe 1*M
  • Senior Kids
    • 1st-place: Imnaha TAC Arielle
    • 2nd-place: Imnaha TAC Alta
  • Junior Kids
    • 3rd-place: Imnaha TAC Lady Carlotta

Photo credits and many thanks to Kelly Dodds of Imnaha, Oregon for her excellent photos while Sam & I were busy showing!