SG Imnaha King’s Silver Belle 2*M

Silver Belle (dry)
SG Imnaha King’s Silver Belle 2*M at age 3 as a dry doe

  • Birth Date: 2/07/2015
  • ADGA Registration #N1722803
  • ***DNA-typed and Parentage Verified***
  • G6S Status: Normal non-carrier verified by testing
  • Alpha S1 Casein Status: A/N per testing; her sire Kingfisher was B/N

  • SIRE: SG +*B Woest-Hoeve Kingfisher ELITE LA:4-03 90/EVE
    • GS: SGCH ++B Alize Charleston Chew ELITE 4-06 90/EEV
    • GD: SG Iron-Owl Sand Crane 4*M LA 5-02 90/E+EE
  • DAM: SG Bedouin Cherry 1*M LA 3-06 89/VEEV
    • GS: +*B Goldthwaite Atlast LA 4-07 88/VEV
    • GD: Bedouin Candlewood (never on test due to an udder injury)
  • Shows: Silver Belle was never shown.
  • Linear Appraisal: 2-04 87/VEE+
  • DHIR:
  • 0-11 305 3000 114 100
  • 1-10 304 3600 135 123
  • 2-10 274 2750 112 90 (produced on 1/2 an udder!)
  • LIFETIME 579 9,350 361 313
  • INBA Merit Production Awards:
  • 2016 Silver Production Certificate for 3,005 lb. milk, Bronze Certificate for 114 lb. fat and 100 lb. protein. 1st-place for milk production in the under 24 months category. Her sire SG +*B Woest-Hoeve Kingfisher also earned an Outstanding Sire Award that year for having 3 daughters producing 2200+ milk, 99+ fat and/or 84+ protein:
  • 2017 Gold Production Certificate for 3596 lb. milk and 122 lb. protein. Silver Production Certificate for 135 lb. fat. Her sire Kingfisher also earned another Outstanding Sire Award, plus her was an ELITE SIRE that year.
  • 2018 Bronze Production Certificate for 2748 lb. milk, 112 lb. fat, and 90 lb. protein. This was done on half an udder, folks! She was again 1st-place producer for her age (25-36 months).
  • Offspring: Imnaha AM Sweet Cherry (sold to a dairy as a kid)
  • Imnaha AM Dark Crystal 3*M
  • Belle lost two sets of kids by Amador to the pseudomonas infection.

Silver Belle
Silver Belle’s rear udder as a yearling

Silver Belle! Where to start? She was one of the most outstanding does we have ever known, and also one of the bitterest losses. She produced enough to be a Top 10 doe when she was a 2-year-old, BUT we could never get on Standard Test and had to do Owner/Sampler. Even so, she earned numerous production awards through the International Nubian Breeders Association in her lifetime, which was alas, too short. Her line continues in our herd through her granddaughters Imnaha TG Bella Donna 4*M and Imnaha AL Tinkerbelle, plus her great granddaughter Imnaha TAC Titania and her great grandson *B Imnaha AL Bell’uomo.

When Silver Belle was a 3-year-old, she somehow contracted a fatal case of pseudomonas mastitis in one side of her udder. We never could determine how she got it. I tried everything to save her life, short of taking her to Pullman, WA and the WSU Veterinary School for a mastectomy (we couldn’t afford to do that) or injecting her udder with Chlorhexidine to kill it (I could never bring myself to do that, and the veterinarians wouldn’t). Even so, she milked another year on half an udder, despite losing her kids to the infection. She was a phenomenal girl, and I’m crying my eyes out right now as I write this, even though she passed away several years ago. One of the ones I’ll never, ever forget. Love you so much, Babe! You deserved a much longer life than you were given.